About Us

At Critical Junctures, we work at the intersection of housing and homelessness systems. 

Cities and regions are grappling with intertwined crises of homelessness and housing affordability, set against a backdrop of complex political environments. The rise in housing costs is undermining local efforts to address homelessness with proactive, housing-first approaches. We collaborate with public service entities and government agencies, employing data-driven, innovative strategies and strategic planning. This approach foregrounds the housing affordability crisis within homelessness policy, acknowledging the dynamic nature of these challenges.

We believe that the separation of housing and homelessness response systems hampers the development of effective solutions. Merging these systems is vital for crafting comprehensive strategies that tackle both the immediate symptoms and the root causes of homelessness. This integration fosters a unified approach to overcoming these issues.

As homelessness policy becomes increasingly politicized, there's a pressing need to adapt our strategies. We aim to move beyond conventional methods, engaging with the political intricacies involved. Our mission involves collaborating closely with city leaders and policymakers to devise practical strategies that help cities manage the complexities of the housing market and broader policy issues. Through these partnerships, we aim to empower communities with the knowledge and tools necessary for building lasting solutions.

Christopher Brzovic, MCP

Founder and Principal

Chris has a decade of experience working in the homelessness policy sector. He spearheaded the local 100k Homes Project in Chittenden, VT, and later served as the local lead in the Built for Zero Campaign with Community Solutions.

Working for the Chittenden County Homeless Alliance (Continuum of Care), Chris designed and implemented its innovative Coordinated Entry System. Recent HUD recognition has made it a model in the Northeast United States. 

Chris completed a Masters in City and Urban Planning at the University of Pennsylvania, concentrating in Housing, Community, and Economic Development. Here his attention turned toward the larger issue of homelessness prevention and the intersection of housing and homelessness. His work continues to place emphasis on the root causes of homelessness and looks to provide communities with strategic guidance by understanding local context and the complex interaction of systems at the community level.

Megan Cudmore, MA, ABD


Megan has a wealth of research experience garnered from her academic pursuits, mostly recently at McGill University, where she engaged in archival research as part of her doctoral studies. Her expertise extends to crafting and appraising research methodologies.

Megan leverages her expertise in a non-profit healthcare setting, focusing on mental health, substance abuse, and case management, to significantly improve health data usage. Her efforts in optimizing electronic health records contribute to better patient well-being and more effective data collection for organizations. 

By analyzing and refining workflows, Megan's work enhances healthcare delivery and supports efforts to address the intertwined challenges of homelessness and housing. Her contributions are pivotal in ensuring that healthcare practices can effectively meet the needs of vulnerable populations, thereby facilitating more integrated solutions to societal issues.